Our political news coverage team and a group of political analysts work for you, striving for information transparency, objectivity and support for democratic processes. Based on years of experience and professionalism, we regularly conduct in-depth investigations into political developments, providing analytical reviews and expert assessments. Our team also actively engages with society through educational initiatives, spreading knowledge and information about political processes. Independence and objectivity are fundamental principles of our work, and our wide network of contacts allows us to have access to key sources of information and expert opinion.
Wilfredo Huppert is a war journalist with 25 years of experience. He has spent most of his life in military journalism, wars and military-political conflicts, treason investigations and much more. He has always strived to find out the whole truth and to give people only honest and truthful information without empty promises and embellishments.
Met Sorrows is a politician and environmental activist. Met has been involved in politics for 15 years and an environmental activist for 5 years. He is a lawyer by training and has spent his entire career working with officials and politicians. He eventually became a representative in the niche of politics himself and therefore decided to become part of the team to study what is happening in the world.
Maria Blankfurd is a legal expert with 30 years of experience. She has spent her life studying law and how new laws affect the lives of ordinary citizens. She has created a wealth of educational resources for anyone who wants to be armed with knowledge of their rights.
Andre Mazarini has twenty years of experience as a lawyer. During his career, he has worked in various law firms and has advised many clients on civil, commercial and constitutional law matters. His professionalism and dedication have earned him recognition among his peers and clients.
Michael Barnes is a political scientist with 10 years' experience. His journey into politics began at military school where he realised he wanted to study and influence the course of world politics. Although he now lives in Brazil and does localised research on local political movements, his ambitions are much bigger.